Sunday, March 25, 2012

Color your Hair Naturally

I've been feeling like my hair was looking a little dull lately. It just seemed flat and monotone. I though about henna, but since I'm not a risk taker I couldn't get myself to do it. I found a nice herbal mix at The Bulk Herb Store, but it had henna too, so the chicken side of me said NO! Instead I decided to try a herbal rinse. If you have dark hair you can rinse it after you wash it with a tea made from rosemary or sage. I don't have a good relationship with sage, ( its too reminiscent of stuffed turkey) so I picked rosemary. An added bonus is that it is suppose to help curly hair curl. So every morning I rinsed my hair with a rosemary tea that I let brew over night.  After a few days I decided to add a small stick of cinnamon to the mix. This made it smell very nice and added a touch of red. So after a week of rinsing, my hair is slightly darker with red highlights. I don't think anyone would say to me  - wow - you colored your hair, but when the light hits it I can see the red and Mr. Bouncer said he thought it looked darker. I suppose if I did it another week it would be even more noticeable, but the chicken in me is going to stop for now!

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