The last several weeks for me have been very hard on the stomach. I am one of those pregnant women who can't be pleased. If I'm not nauseous I'm miserable because I think something is wrong, and if I am nauseous I'm miserable because - well I"m nauseous. Its not easy for me to spend hours and days sitting around feeling that any moment my stomach is going to defy gravity. It's especially hard with a house full of little ones who think helping Mommy clean means shoving everything in a corner. To say that finding something that I want and can eat has been a challenge would be somewhat of an understatement. I think its hard for most pregnant women who suffer morning sickness to find something they want to eat, then add allergies to eggs, wheat, dairy, oats, and shellfish; and your chances of finding something that taste good are about the same as the President deciding to pop over for dinner to discuss foreign policy.
One thing I realized was that I feel a lot better not eating meat. It's just not digesting well. If you combine not eating meat with my allergies you end up with a vegan diet. So, I looked online and found this cookbook,
The Vegan Table: 200 Unforgettable Recipes for Entertaining Every Guest at Every OccasionP.S.
I was going to take pictures of the food I made, but I got too hungry to take them.
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