Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Ptolemy Tortoise!!!

Ptolemy Tortoise circa 1999
Today is Ptolemy Tortoise's 14th birthday, and of course the only reason to have a birthday is to have cake! It was agreed by all  (except Mr. Bouncer ) that it should be a chocolate cake. In the past I have made some fancy cakes (see exhibit A and exhibit B) but this year the cakes are more modest than their predecessors. That, however doesn't mean we don't want them to be tasty.

exhibit A

exhibit B (and yes, the whole thing is cake)
This time I am not ashamed to say I took the easy way out. Why spend a lot of time mixing your own blend of gluten free flour when Betty Crocker can do it for you? Since I have an allergy to eggs,  (and I wanted to eat cake) I had to substitute the 3 eggs called for on the box with egg replacer. In order to not lose some of the moistness I used a secret ingredient. (SHH! Don't tell the children!)

Now mix the secret ingredient with these other chocolate lovelies,

and you end up with this:

and this:

and this:

I think the Fierce Bad Rabbit liked it too.

Besides helping to finish the cake, everyone helped wrap presents.

 Happy Birthday Ptolemy Tortoise!!!!

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